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At first sight, dating vintage Luxite lingerie can be a little confusing. Your label may just say 'Luxite' or it might say either 'Luxite by Holeproof' or 'Luxite by Kayser'. In this detailed guide by Nylon Nostalgia, we'll look at the differences between these labels and how to use them to date your vintage lingerie item. Identifying vintage 1950's fashion lingerie is never an exact science but armed with the right information it is still possible to date an item with reasonable accuracy. This page is continually updated as new data comes to light.
In order to fully understand how to date a Luxite lingerie label it is perhaps important to have a little understanding of the timeline of Luxite's acquisition by Holeproof and then Kayser and subsequent brand creation.
In the early part of the 20th Century, Luxite made hosiery, upon which it's reputation was founded, as well as silk lingerie. Based in Milwaukee, USA, Luxite was a division of the Holeproof Hosiery Company, also based in MIlwaukee. Prior to 1947, Luxite was a stand-alone brand before being known as 'Luxite by Holeproof'. Holeproof was duly acquired by Kayser in 1954.
In 1956, Julius Kayser & Co moved into a new $3,000,000 structure at 425 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, the purpose of which was to consolidate no less than eleven divisions of the 76-year old Kayser firm under one roof that were previously scattered far and wide. Strangely, at the dedication of Kayser's new building, the ceremonial ribbon was cut by none other than Frank R. Reisenberger, President of the Van Raalte Co.Inc. - one of Kayser's principal competitors!
Timeline of events:
Nylon Nostalgia has more useful researched information, including a major label dating resource for Barbizon, St Michael (Marks & Spencer), Lorraine and Van Raalte.
Article written by Emma Benitez. BA (Hons) in Fashion and Dress History,
incurable vintage aficionado and owner of Nylon Nostalgia.
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