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Welcome to the Lorraine label dating page which we hope will help you identify your lingerie garments of that famous brand. The information we offer here is constantly updated so we suggest returning often as this article is updated.
The Lorraine brand was originally owned by O'Bryan Brothers, Inc. of Chicago, Illinois, USA, a company that was created back in 1921. The brand name 'Lorraine' was first used in 1925 but was not actually registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) until 1965. O'Bryan Bros were eventually bought out by Komar in 2009.
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Once you have matched you vintage Lorraine lingerie label to either Type 1, 2 or 3, refer to the table below to determine the date range. Please note that Lorraine label Type 1 logo style was in use for over 20 years so other dating methods would need to be used in addition, such as fashion style etc.
If you are lucky enough to have an item of vintage Lorraine lingerie with store tags and merchandising labels still attached then the table below detailing fabric names may be of use to refine the dating process a little further. This list is under constant review with new information being added as it comes to light.
I hope you found this article on how to date vintage Lorraine labels useful. We have other label dating resources available too:
Barbizon: A guide to the history and dating of Barbizon slips and petticoats. A major label dating resource for vintage Barbizon lingerie.
Luxite: How to date vintage Luxite lingerie. Luxite vintage label dating resource.
St Michael (Marks & Spencer): A detailed and comprehensive label dating resource for the famous British St.Michael range of lingerie.
Van Raalte: A guide to the styles, fabrics and labels of the renowned Van Raalte lingerie brand.
A Lorraine aqua nylon nightgown...
Article written by Emma Benitez. BA (Hons) in Fashion and Dress History, incurable vintage aficionado and owner of Nylon Nostalgia.
Article Copyright © 2020 Nylon Nostalgia - All Rights Reserved.
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Copyright © 2020-2024 Nylon Nostalgia - All Rights Reserved. This site uses TinEye technology to detect content theft.
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